Monday, June 28, 2010


I consider myself a pretty honest person. Sometimes too much so for the liking of others. But I find that there are multiple levels of truth. One is able to ignore some truths to make other truths more relevant, or hold a greater impact to justify ones actions. Like, I didnt spend any money last week at the club, so I should have extra money to buy whatever the hotness is. Ignoring the fact that you just got a tax adjustment that says you owe the IRS $600 more because of something you didnt claim 3 years ago. (Sidenote: you might get away with it today, but the IRS will find you, believe me). Peoples feelings can also impact the type of truth we give/receive. You dont want to tell your kids they can't be president one day because they arent smart enough (and after G-Dubb, that may not even be an issue). You also might not want to tell your booty call they have no chance of being with you for fear of losing that guaranteed action! But how do you determine what kind of truth to tell?
Me personally, I'm tired of it. So for as long as I can, I'm going to do my best to tell the absolute truth. So if you're reading this, and you want to know something, here's your chance...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Loyalty and Friendship

Busy Day. As you probably figured, I'm dealing with a few things today, lol. One thing I do is try to work through all possible scenarios of a situation so I can decide what will be my best course of action. But it doesnt stop there. I let the situation play out some so that I can re-evaluate, check the new facts against my hypothesis and make any necessary adjustments and/or regroup. In the course of doing that, I came across a scenario I find prevalent, especially amongst the female gender.

Lets start out by saying what friendship and loyalty is NOT. I may not have a cut and dry definition of what they are, but I damn sure know what they are not.
1) They are not blind. You are not a true friend if you blindly take the side of the one you call your friend. If they are wrong, you tell them. If they are over reacting or doing too much, you tell them. You dont embrace them, but you let them know when they are in the wrong. After all, you are their friend, who else would know the, better?
2)They are not exclusive. You best guy friend dates your best girl friend. They dont work out. Foul play on one side or the other, or neither, should not end your friendship with either. Their may be adjustments to make, there may be a conversation or two that need to be had, but friends see each other through hard times, even if that friend brought hardship on themselves.
3)They are not pushovers. You have a friend with a problem they cant get over. No matter how hard you try, how much advice or anything else you do for them, they cant get passed it. It is not your job as the friend to be there forever. Its not. You cant change someone. Now hopefully it doesnt result in you losing a friend, but you cant stop living your life because they have an issue they refuse to get through. Anytime I've faced this dilemma, it was only for a very short time that I had to cut that friend off. They got it. I'd like to think that they got it because they realized that I have nothing but their best intention at heart, and if I felt like I had to remove myself from the situation, they would re-evaluate the situation because they realized my value as a friend greatly outweighed whatever the issue they were having was... run on sentence... My bad.
4)They are not close-minded. I only have 2 people I would consider very good friends right now. And its for no other reason than what I can say to them. At my best, at my worst, at my most cynical, my most illogical and my most needed, they get me. The know me. They understand what I may be going through that may make me say or feel however it is that I'm feeling. No they don't always know what to say, or agree with me. But I know whatever it is, its never out of judgment. They will keep me grounded if I needed it, can give me space when I demand it, and know when to shut me up when I cant control it.

Now take the opposite of that and try to embody that and you might one day be as good of a friend as I am. For now, test me and I know you'll be in for a great surprise. Just dont play me. I dont handle that well...

Is wayne brady gonna have to smack a ...

I'm no pimp like Wayne Brady, but sometimes I too have the urge to want to smack someone. Here are a few reasons why.

ASSUMPTIONS. The easiest thing in the world to do is ask a question. If I dont answer, if I tell you thats not your place to ask, if I completely ignore you, so be it. But you asked. I have dealt with people that will have a legitimate question, but will refuse to ask. Furthermore, they draw some ridiculous conclusion based on nothing but and then assume some outlandish course of action that leaves me baffled. And it all could have been avoided by a 30 second string of questions and answers. You dont like me, you dont wanna hang out with me, you're mad at me. WTF are you talking about. 9 times out of 10, I wasnt, but now I am.

Assumptions part 2. You know, the ones that come with pre conceived conclusions. They ask you the question they asked in the first place, but arent really looking for an answer from you. They already have your answer in their head, but so they wouldn't look like they were assuming they ask you, just as a courtesy, but really dont give a damn what you say. That is still assuming!

Be Real. Everyone likes to do something. You may like ballets. I like video games. You may like to go out for quiet evenings at a restaurant. I may like sitting in a movies for 6 hrs, sneaking in to different theatres. You want to do something, say it. Simple as that. But when you come at me like... " Do you want to go see that new movie you've been talking about or go get some food?", my response will usually be,"We can swing by wendys on the way to the movies." Now you're mad at me because you wanted to dress up and go to M&S Grill and I didnt even ask you what you wanted to do. Problem is, you didnt tell me.
Better yet, you want to come over/have me come over. But this is the conversation we have...
You: whatcha doing tonight
Me: no plans, whats up
You: nothing, im just home chilln too
Me: o ok. I'm prolly gonna play around with this guitar or play this new game that came in the mail
You: o ok, have fun.
And then your mad. How about this here. Its real simple, I promise.
You: whatcha doing tonight
Me: no plans, whats up
You: nothing really, I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out
Me: I dont really feel like going out, but we can chill here or there
You: ok, sounds good, lets set it up
Done and done. See how that changes everything. ESPECIALLY if i dont have plans. Seems logical right? I know you dont agree or else this wouldnt be a pet peeve because y'all would just do it! WOOOOSAH

BE REAL, part duex. Dont set a precedence that you dont intend to uphold. Dont come to my house cooking your first time over if you dont plan to come and cook regularly. If you do it the first three times your here, dont be upset when I ask about my dinner on your next visit. Dont get me wrong, I'll buy the food, spices, whatever you need, but I do expect some sort of meal prepared. And that does apply in other areas as well. O_O

You are no longer a guest if you live in town and visit me house more than four times a month. After that first month, you should know where I keep the glasses and you know very well whats in the fridge. Unless I am up, dont ask me to get you stuff. If we're both sitting on the couch, dont ask me to get up out of my comfort to grab you a glass of water. You aint no guest. Again, this is for regulars. If you live out of state and have only been by twice, ask and you shall receive. But once that new guest smell wears off, you on your own.

Now that I've told you these things I shouldnt have to remind you everyday. Thats another pet peeve. I hate repeating myself. If I find that I have to do this regularly, I just gonna let you think what you want. Its my job to let you know whats up, not to have to beat it into you until you choose to get it.

More coming soon...

Set Apart

Everyone is unique. Everyone is an individual. But not because of specific traits. The complete package is what sets us apart. I sure I dont do any particular thing that makes me any different from anyone else, but the collection of my experiences, my faith, my morals, and my short comings define me like none other.

For those that don't know me, I want to touch on somethings that I think people should know about me. Some good, some bad, some just facts. We've been discussing relationships a lot and I want to go a little deeper. We've mostly talked about surface things, but if you dont know/cant deal with the little quirks a person has, it could lead to an unnecessary amount of stress. So here are mine!

I am very loyal. EXTREMELY. Most times it is a positive trait, but other times it can be taken the wrong way. Anyone that I truly consider a friend, I will pretty much do anything for, as long as I don't feel that I am being taken advantage of. I could really like someone, be out with them, but if I get a 911 text from a close friend, I'm on it, and I hope the other person understands. I feel like I lost a great girl over that once upon a time.

Contrarily, once I gave you my loyalty and you lose it... lets just say I can be not so nice. I become very short, cynical, easily annoyed and pretty much all-around unpleasant. Now that I know that about myself, I try, but have yet to successfully lose faith in a person and still treat them like a true friend.

I am a multi-tasking dynamo. Whether it be working and watching the world cup, or playing video games and listening to you talk. I can do it, and usually I will try to. So dont assume I'm not listening to you. But also, dont be mad at me if you decided to try and talk to me while I'm playing Halo. That was a personal choice on your part.

I am not a phone person. I dont want to talk on the phone with you everyday. Its not you. really! its me. You can come over everyday and hang out. We can go out. I can see you all the time. Just dont expect me to be on the phone everyday until 1am. Its just not me. I might make an exception for a week, but after that, you better come see me or get gchat on your phone. But even with that, I get busy. Between my frat, my job, my other job and my extra-curriculars, I'm not going to always respond immediately, or even that day. Which reminds me of a story, but we'll save that for the pet peeves blog... coming later today hopefully.

I have been blessed to have a great friend/girlfriend over the last almost 5 years. It wasnt just one, but they all came back to back to back so I was well taken care of for those 5 years. I say that to say that I have the tendency to expect certain things to be done. That is a large portion of the reason that I am taking my time before I actively pursue anything. Not that I am a dependent person, but I have no problem falling back into that relationship role, where I take the garbage out, buy most of the groceries and clean only when someone is telling me they need me to. So if we are hanging out getting to know each other, and I start to kinda pull away, its because I know me and I dont want to fall back into that role until I prove a few things to myself. Again, that leads me right into the next blog... but I digress.

Lastly, for this entry at least, I am a nice guy. The issue there is that everything that I would say, genuinely, as a nice guy, has been said to every female on earth by 100 not-so-nice guys. So I dont really approach woman like that. I hate when I out just being me, and someone takes it as a game or a mac that I'm trying to lay down. So I dont even try. What I will do is be me at all times and hope that after a while you'll realize that its not a front. But that doesnt currently apply anyway, since I'm on a hiatus!

Anyway, thats a little about me. I hope you know yourself well enough to know, and share your little quirks.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

wondering why other people are illogical.

This will be very short.

Ladies. If someone invites you somewhere, dont be offended if you get uninvited because you decided to tell your friend that they could come too and decide to ask the person who initially invited you if that was cool after the fact.

Very simple and good day

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What's a man to do?

I'm pretty attractive. I am. I cant help it. Good genes I guess. And no, I dont think this because of my fraternal affiliation. o_O I'm decently educated. I'm gainfully employed twice over. I own what I have. I read. I travel. I dress pretty well; gave up the baggy jeans and white tees years ago. And currently, for the most part, I hang out with guys that have a similar, if not better, situation. In addition, we are all equally as single. Obviously, because this is my blog, I will being using situations that I have experienced, though, I am currently single by choice, which is a completely different blog for another day. But for some time, I was single against my will.

I had a conversation with a good friend of mine about my relationship status, and in her opinion, I am a GREAT catch(she stressed the great, not me, lol). I am very loyal, I am attentive, I am fun, and a few of the things that I mentioned previously. She went so far as to say that she stresses to some of her friends that they need to get their lives together and see what could happen, because, in comparison to what they are dealing with now, I am that dude.

I digress. The point is, we are constantly hearing about the lack of good men. The lack of good black men. The lack of good, straight, educated black men that dont feel like they deserve to be treated like gods, simply because they are doing what they are suppose to be doing anyway! But I can think of 8 of the top of my head, 4 being right here in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. So why are we hearing everyday that their are none left?

Lets strip down this whole thing to some essentials that I hear when I talk to my female friends about relationships.
Attraction: Are women putting too much into the physical then necessary? I only 5'10. I've been turned down for that. I am not in the best shape of my life, but I'm not fat. But Ive been overlooked because my lack of 6 pack abs. As I said, I'm pretty attractive, but I've been be scoffed at for the fact that I had a goatee rather then a full on beard or the lack of being cleanly shaved. I dress decent but have been shunned for my shoes not being timberland boots and my polo-shirt not being Polo. I have preferences. But I have never not talked to a potential mate because they did not match all of my physical preferences. You find me five 5'6, thick in all the right places and no body fat in all the rest of the places, long haired, weave free, light eyed, cinnamon complexioned women, who look good in a dress but would prefer to wear some Jordan 3's and a baseball hat while sitting in the living room playing guitar hero or Madden with me in your city and let me know.

Ambition: It seems that everything has to be right now. Why is it not good enough for a man to be poorer than dirt, an avid bus rider, and a top ramen lover, that has ACTIVE plans to accomplish a dream or goal? I'm getting a few second looks now, but the man I am now has very few emotional or physical difference from the man I was 3 years ago that lived in a 3 bedroom house with four other guys and no food in the fridge. And I've always said what I planned on doing, which, fortunately I am doing some of now. God willing, I'll be doing the rest soon. The point is, my potential was overlook until it was more than just potential. But now those girls that decided to pass want to come back and find they gets no love. Then have the never to talk about how I aint shit or I'm passing up a good thing... even though they are in the same position they were in when they decided I wasn't doing enough for them to give me a shot.

There is more that I want to say, but I am having a bit of difficulty putting the words together. And, since this is my blog, I'll do what I feel. I'll wrap this up.

Moral of the story, be open. It may not be what you dreamed up for yourself, but it may be exactly who God created for you. Don't sell anyone short. People have a strange way of being and doing much more than you'd ever expect.

Monday, June 07, 2010


One of my favorite movies is Men of Honor. Not because of the story itself. Not because of the great acting(though this was probably the last time I saw Cuba act, before he started doing movies like snow dog, rat race, and boat trip.) *If you haven't seen them, don't worry, you aren't missed anything. Anyway, I love this movie because of the way it makes me feel after. Things of this fashion always inspire me. Watching someones struggle to succeed always makes me appreciate what I have a lot more, but also motivates me to get out there and truly follow my dreams. But the feeling is fleeting.

Which brings me to the struggle. How does one maintain motivation? I cannot watch this movie everyday and actually have time to do anything else. Pictures on the mirror in the morning dont work. I go to the gym everyday for a few weeks and dont see results. I go out less, cook at home more, but then somehow, the exact amount of money I've saved is required to maintain my life, and I'm right back at zero.

I've been very lucky. Not a bad life. God has blessed me, even when I probably didnt deserve it. But now I am consciously seeking to do better; to be better. But now it seems like I can't catch a break. Not that God is no longer blessing me. But things don't seem to be coming as easy as I am use too. Not a terrible thing, just different. I've done a few things in my life to prove to myself who I am. Like I said, I haven't had to struggle. But in an effort to make sure I can handle my own, I put myself out there. So for now, I can only hope to take it day by day. I have no choice but to motivate myself. Come up with an image in my head of what I want and where I want to be. Let those random motivations be no more than a supplement to the constant, consistent drive I have for myself.

But enough about me. What keeps you motivated? How do you keep your eye on the prize? I'm sure we can all help each other. You're probably doing something that could really help someone else!

Sorry if these reads a little rushed, lol